Blog Posting

The Simple Things You Can Do to Make People Come Back to Your Blog

Blogging is like having a Facebook page today – you’d better have something of value to say if you want to appear popular. And like they do with Twitter, people find that it’s wonderful to have a forum where they can say anything that comes to their minds.

Blog Posting

There’s just one problem with all this blog posting joy though – people just aren’t doing what they need to, to keep their blogs optimized for not just search engines but for the people they are intended for too.

SEO for blogs is not the same as it is for websites. Let’s look at some of the top ways you can optimize your blog so that people keep coming back for more:

It doesn’t reflect well on your blog when you use the first ready-made Movable Type or WordPress template provided.

There are many free templates available out there and customizing them can be very easy if you don’t want to hire a designer to put out a design together just for you. It also is not expensive to get a student graphics designer to help you out.

Really Simple Syndication or RSS is for everyone, not just the tech heads. It improves your chances of getting regular visitors. Most hosted blogging doesn’t have RSS turned on by default and you need to manually add it or a plug-in for it.

Make sure the RSS icon is clearly visible. At the very least, your RSS link (the little orange button with three propagating wave-like lines and a dot) needs to be on the sidebar that’s available throughout.

Make sure that you offer your visitors a choice in a partial (excerpts) feed. Does this damage your chances of obtaining advertising? Absolutely not.

You can offer your visitors a partial snippet feed without the advertising, and they can then click on a link to come to your main blog to view the full thing. This kind of teaser RSS feed can be very successful at getting your subscribers to view your posts and advertising.

In the end, you’ll have your visitors coming back for more if you make sure that you write in an engaging style and post often.

However, to increase your blog’s popularity and draw enough attention to your blog postings, one way would be to associate yourself with other popular bloggers. Provide also links to other great blogs or sites and place yourself in good company.

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