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The Basics of Computer Networking

Computer Networks are an Integral Part of our Daily Lives A computer network is a collection of two or more computers with a communication link between them. The communication medium can be through radio waves, wires, infrared, optical fibers etc. Computer networks are an integral part of our daily lives, with the most important reason

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Computer Engineering

Interesting Facts About Computer Engineering The most defining factor about computer engineering as a profession is that one has to be taught the ways of electronic engineering, software design and hardware software design integration. Fully understanding these techniques will put an expert in a good position to develop a workable computer system. The beauty of

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Open Source Software

What Is Open Source Software? There are many great types of software out there that you can use for both business and personal use, which you can outright buy if it does not come on your computer when you buy it new. Many things, like Microsoft Word, are on your computer but a trail version

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