Blogs Are Very Popular Nowadays
You will notice that the numbers of blogging sites are increasing tremendously. More and more innovations are also seeing the light. For instance, instead of pure text content, there is now photo, audio and video blogging. RSS feeds and Podcasting appeared.

Aside from the usual call and text features of cellular phones, you can now also them to post to your blog.
What is Blog?
Generally, it is a web page that has brief and distinct information also known as posts. These posts are arranged in reverse chronological order (that is, the latest comes first) and each post entry is identified by an anchor tag which is marked by a permanent link that can be referred to by others who wish to link to it.
Blogs are a means of communication and there are numerous types of messages carried by blogs. Some you will find are just vacuums that points to other websites, others displays their greatest essay, some are personal diaries, and others promote newest technology. In other words, bloggers can write anything they want.
Why Blog?
There are hundreds of thousands of blogs posted on the Internet daily. The reason is through blogs, people can express themselves freely. Yes, there are other mediums you can use to express yourself to the world. You can write articles and columns in a local newspaper.
The question is – are you sure all what you have written can or will be printed? Posting (writing) to blogs gives you the power to get what you have written printed immediately. No questions asked, nothing more to be asked.
Another reason why many people are blogging is the freedom of design, layout, and its structure. You do not need to have navigation architecture designs of a website nor a structured menu.
You can write anything about what you want regardless of what it looks like. Your point is to attract readers in the way that you think is the best. That is the power of blogging – giving you the freedom of what you want your blog to look like.
Before you start blogging, you first need to know the blogging tools. These tools enable you to post your blogs either on your own site or to a certain blogging community.
One popular blogging tool is Blogger software, a web-based tool that does not require you to install software to your personal computer or on your server in case you have your own website.
You can access the tool through the Blogger website and your blog pages can be posted to your own site or to a community blog server.
These are just some of the basic things you need to know about blogging. Remember that blogs give you the power to publish anything you want.
However, you need to keep in mind that it can be successful if you will be discussing interesting things on it. Do not forget to place a link directing to your own website. It can help you generate the traffic you need.