EMail List Marketing

What to Do and Not Do for a Successful EMail List Marketing Campaign

If you have a list of possible recipients, email list marketing can be very effective. You can give your subscribers new product offers; give them discounts for being loyal, and so on. They can also use email to ask for feedback, and have surveys.

email marketing

Email marketing has many sides and uses to it, that sometimes making the most of it can seem like an art. And that wouldn’t be far from the truth. Let’s look at some of the best industry rules there are to making the effective use of email list marketing in your company.

Yes, Voltaire once apologized to the recipient of a letter of his, for writing too much – he didn’t have the time to write a short letter. But there is a point where you have to stop crafting the marketing emails you send out. All you need is to put in the message what you wish to have your recipients hear; no one’s really going to be looking at your choice of words that closely.

You don’t want to crowd your emails with too much information either. Make each email about a one or at the most two things – promotions, offers and so forth. Give them too much stuff to think about, and probably, nothing will make the effect you hope for.

If you don’t target your email exactly to the most relevant audience that wants to hear about what you have to say, your emails are going to erode a little bit of your company’s credibility.

Send someone who lives in the middle of Manhattan an email promotion that offers 20% off on garden swings, and he’ll probably consider you a spammer – even if you might have other products he would be genuinely interested in.

There are other ways to get uninterested listeners’ attention too. Try a Facebook-style quiz; write an interesting article, and divide it into three emails to be sent over the course of a month. However, that email list marketing department uses has to be carefully chosen.

One of the best ways to get into email list marketing would be to use a third-party email company that will maintain the quality of the contacts on the list.

They will help you check which subscribers are really interested; which ones stopped even accepting your emails, and which ones actually clicked through. You could never get such information if you just used Outlook.

The best way of keeping up with the competition as far as email list marketing is concerned, would be to subscribe to their emails. You’ll get to see where the competition is headed, and keep up. Nothing injects your emails with life as being up-to-date does.

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